Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The War room

(i could not get an image of a rifle from the MIA website and i didn't have a camera when we went there)
Imagine a room that is dimly lit. Two spotlights point to opposite sides of the room. On one side of the room is a rifle set upon a table. A flintlock like was used by early European colonists and military. It points to the opposite side of the room.
Facing it are five other weapons. Two Central African short swords, a Polynesian battle club, a Chinese sword from the Chou dynasty, and a Native American war club. All five lay facing the rifle. All five are on the floor.

I want it to symbolize the way history has played out in warfare. Many times you get the colonist from European countries going to a new land and making war on the natives. usually out numbered but with better weapons. The natives usually have numbers but out dated styles of warfare. Most of the time they find themselves on the losing end of the battle. Which is why the rifle is on a table and the rest lays on the ground.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Post modern perspective analysis


The piece looks like somebody threw point at a piece of canvas. This piece is a prime example of modernist art. Its completely abstract and doesn't have any point to it. This is something a third grader could do, yet this piece will sell for a couple of thousand euros. It took no skill to create. It is also not original. You walk into a museum and half half the abstract art is the same, a bunch of paint blotches. The artist, who is unnamed, has created an aesthetically pleasing piece but it can hardly be called a work of art.
Art takes time and skill. Something that was not needed in this piece. The piece also passes along very little emotion. Just colors on a canvas. with no order or form its a chaotic collection of dropped paint. Its not even done in a way to suggest any kind of pattern or form. there is no unity, no repetition, and no continuation.